Photo Credit: NY Times
This post is a slight departure from our normal content however, I believe it is essential to our growing as leaders and the development of our children as future leaders.
After completing a week-long session of Vacation Bible School at our church, Christ Fellowship Church of God in Christ, we capped it off with our annual Back to School Brunch for our youth. The Back to School Brunch included, among other things, some good eating and some encouraging words for our youth to help them get started for the new school year. We had someone speak to them from a parental point of view and we had one of our college students speak some learned words of wisdom. Admittedly, the words spoken by our returning college student were profound, to say the least. All in all, it was a great setting.
During the week of VBS, we shared many great messages about honoring God and honoring yourself as we do our part to spread the message of salvation and to truly be the salt of the earth in word and deed. Our youth were involved and attentive every step of the way. Though, it was somewhat disheartening to see the lack of participation from adults and parents both throughout the week of VBS and at the Brunch, which brings me to the reason for this post – parents need to be present.
With all of the Back to School shopping and supplies giveaways that parents have hustled their children around to attend across the country, it concerns me that so many of us start strong with our kids at the beginning of the school year and then we fall off as the year continues.
Our children deserve better. In order for us to develop children who will be capable of leading our nation and the world, parents have to step up and stay up every step of the way. We cannot be engaged solely at the start of the school year. We have to be a force in our children’s lives throughout. We have to be willing to ask them if they have homework, help them with their homework, ask them about their friends and their experiences, and help them through the tough times. A disconnected parent leads to a child who grows up to be disconnected from society. If we engage, it will help them to engage and the world we live in will be better for it.
Parents, let’s do our part, not just leading up to day one of the school year but everyday throughout. [Tweet This!]
Need Help?
Parents, if you need help, check out L.E.A.D. Nation’s Parent Info Session for their upcoming S.T.E.P.S. group mentoring for youth. It’s a great way to help keep your child on track to accomplish their educational goals and it also helps parents to stay involved in the process. (see the flyer on Facebook)